邢唷> 欹g 鳵5cbjbjVV;ir<r<8` ` ***8bT*{gb,BBB坒奻奻奻奻奻奻$Yj m甪]"甪BB g(8BB坒坒躚郻B牫[|Tl`>tf3gH{g猔6胢胢|郻郻x胢Xc甪甪{g胢` , :  FENG CHIA UNIVERSITY Syllabus of Branding and Creativity Please read the notes at the end of the table carefully before completing the form. Subject CodeSubject TitleBranding and Creativity 罷Lr倁RaCredit Value3LevelPre-requisite / Co-requisite/ ExclusionNoneObjectives Branding is a sustainable equity for an organization to survive in competitive market and even more to earned word of mouth from consumer. The aim of this course is to lead the student to explore what brand marketing is; experience the delivering value and brand strategy; discuss the issues of brand aesthetic; and cultivate creative competence. This course incorporates three field trip studies to help students to experience the subjects taught in class. In order to keep brand in tune with evolving trend, dynamic competence of creativity is strategic importance. Students are encouraged to propose team project to frame their marketing plan through their original creative ideas. Student will learn the concepts, frameworks, analysis tools, creative aesthetic judgment, and pleasant field trip experience.Intended Learning Outcomes (Note 1)Upon completion of the subject, students will be able to: Understand the concepts and frameworks of brand, creativity, and marketing Apply analysis tools to course subjects Cultivate impulse of creative ideas Frame the marketing planning Establish effective relationship within classmates.Subject Synopsis/ Indicative Syllabus (Note 2) Day 1 Arrive Shanghai, Register the courseDay 2 Open ceremony Introduction of the course and grouping exerciseDay 3 Principle of Brand Marketing Day 4 Exploring Brand Value Day 5 Classic Chinese Garden touringDay 6 Principle of Creativity Field study of Shanghai Culture Creative Industry, 0uP[JW Day 7 Creativity and Aesthetics Workshop for Creating and Aesthetic judgment Day 8 Group discussion for project preparation 1 Day 9 Group discussion for project preparation 2 Day 10 Creativity and Marketing plan Workshop for marketing planDay 11 Final project presentation Farewell partyDay 12 Leaving Shanghai Teaching/Learning Methodology (Note 3)Lecture, 1 credit 18 hours Field trips, case studies, workshop exercise, 1 credit 18 hours Group discussion, group presentation. 1 credit 18hoursAssessment Methods in Alignment with Intended Learning Outcomes (Note 4) Specific assessment methods/tasks % weighting Intended subject learning outcomes to be assessed (Please tick as appropriate)a b c d e1.Participation and discussion 30% ( ( ( ( (2.Field trips assignment 30% ( ( ( ( (3.Final project presentation and written report 40% ( ( ( ( (Total 100 % Explanation of the appropriateness of the assessment methods in assessing the intended learning outcomes: Students are expected to involve in participating course activities including group discussion, contributions, written quiz, group self evaluation, etc. Field trip assignment will include preparation the pre-view material, qualitative data collection on spot, Snapshot photo, assignment report. Final project presentation requires a formal dress code; theories and practice analysis; and aesthetic quality.Student Study Effort ExpectedLectures 32 hours Field visiting survey 15 hours Group discussion 12 hours Final project presentation 6 hours Final project preparation 24 hours Data collection and reading 12 hours Total student efforts 101 hoursReading List and ReferencesReference Text Book V{eu罷LrtStrategic Brand Management Kevin Lane Keller, 飪餷噀S鶴Hr. Principle of MarketingL埛抶[ !|隭厤 鵚uIP﹛鶴Hr0 Creative Spirit, uRa緗H, Daniel Goleman Paul Kaufman Michael Ray . Suggested Reading "o鯷穇菉 o搣鶴Hr0 Marketing Aesthetics, Alex Simonson and Bernd Schmitt Hirschman, HC (1983) Aesthetics Ideologies and the limits of the marketing concept, Journal of Marketing.  HYPERLINK "https://scholar.google.com.tw/citations?user=hH0m6A0AAAAJ&hl=en&oi=sra" Thompson, CJ and  HYPERLINK "https://scholar.google.com.tw/citations?user=jqUD6eQAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=sra" A Rindfleisch,  HYPERLINK "https://scholar.google.com.tw/citations?user=biI69mIAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=sra" Z Arsel (2006),  HYPERLINK "http://journals.ama.org/doi/abs/10.1509/jmkg.2006.70.1.50" Emotional branding and the strategic value of the doppelg鋘ger brand image, Journal of Marketing.  HYPERLINK "https://scholar.google.com.tw/citations?user=xKPcB84AAAAJ&hl=en&oi=sra" Roth, MS (1995)  HYPERLINK "http://www.jstor.org/stable/3152045" The effects of culture and socioeconomics on the performance of global brand imagestrategies, Journal of Marketing Research. Cretu, AE and  HYPERLINK "https://scholar.google.com.tw/citations?user=zKPmT78AAAAJ&hl=en&oi=sra" RJ Brodie (2007),  HYPERLINK "http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0019850105001331" The influence of brand image and company reputation where manufacturers market to small firms: A customer value perspective, Industrial Marketing Management. Graeff, TR (1997) HYPERLINK "http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/(SICI)1520-6793(199701)14:1%3C49::AID-MAR4%3E3.0.CO;2-O/abstract" Consumption situations and the effects of brand image on consumers' brand evaluations, Psychology & Marketing,  HYPERLINK "https://scholar.google.com.tw/citations?user=Lbt_wx8AAAAJ&hl=en&oi=sra" Gwinner, KP and J Eaton (1999),  HYPERLINK "http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/00913367.1999.10673595" Building brand image through event sponsorship: The role of image transfer, Journal of advertising. Note 1: Intended Learning Outcomes Intended learning outcomes should state what students should be able to do or attain upon completion of the subject. Subject outcomes are expected to contribute to the attainment of the overall programme outcomes. Note 2: Subject Synopsis/ Indicative Syllabus .0vz" $ > @ ^    $ N 磔徒珷攧|q|eq|Xq|q|Mq|Mh}h}CJaJh}CJaJnHo(tHh}h}CJaJo(h轞h CJaJh轞h 5h轞h CJaJnHo(tHh轞h 6乶HtHh轞h nHtH"h}h}5>*CJaJnHtHh~b0h蕅C5丆JPJaJo(h~b0h;5丆JPJaJo(h1z h蕅C5丆JPJaJo($jhA\Wh蕅CUmHnHtHu0xz" $ > @ B Okd$$If杔0$ %$ z t0%644 lalg(矗fyt $Ifgd琝gd $ 0*$a$gd 0*$gdu B ^ t}kd$$If杔0$ %$ z t0%644 lalyt $Ifgd琝 tt $Ifgd琝}kd$$$If杔0$ %$ z t0%644 lalyt    tg $Ifgd} $Ifgd琝}kd$$If杔0$ %$ z t0%644 lalyt   # $ O ttt $Ifgd琝}kd>$$If杔0$ %$ z t0%644 lalyt N O k t abRSwxhn鑭菀腔且緋┏煐悥悥噽亹枑亹n悥悂恏]h籊KaJnHo(tH h籊KaJ$h鬫Ph鬫PCJOJPJQJnHtH h aJh鬫Ph aJ h鬫PaJh鬫Ph鬫PaJ *h媓h 5h緊h 6丆Jh緊h 5h}h}CJaJo(h}h}CJaJh轞h CJaJh轞h 6丆Jh轞h 5h轞h CJaJnHo(tH"O P k t !EbttiLLLL" & F 劸$1$If[$\$^ `劸d} $Ifgd $Ifgd琝}kd$$If杔0$ %$ z t0%644 lalyt bbUULLLL $Ifgd $Ifgd琝kdX$$If杔旟0$ %$ z t0%644 lalyt " & F 劸$1$If[$\$^ `劸d}STxpr&(IJl $Ifgd鬫P $Ifgd npr&(^_68TUXYZ[糸咧惺辛市煉湈妬yoyh]亰]奭R] jh鬫PCJaJh轞h鬫PCJaJ h轞h鬫Ph轞h鬫P6丆Jh轞h鬫P5h鬫PnHo(tHh鬫P *h媓h鬫P6丆JaJh緊h鬫P6丆Jh緊h鬫P5h轞h 5h轞h CJaJh鬫Ph籊KaJ h aJ h籊KaJh鬫Ph鬫PaJh籊KaJnHtHh籊KaJnHo(tHh鬫PaJnHo(tHviYD5勈$IfVD^勈gd鬫P" & F$1$If[$\$gd鬫P$$Ifa$gd琝 $Ifgd琝kd$$If杔斅0$ %$ z t0%644 lalyt $Ifgd (N_`7kdz$$If杔-0$ %$ z t0%644 lalyt 勈$IfVD^勈gd緊" & F$1$If[$\$gd鬫P勈$IfVD^勈gd鬫P" & F$1$If[$\$gd鬫P`($$Ifa$gd琝K$$Ifgd琝K$ $Ifgd琝 $Ifgd琝()*+-/135k\\JJJJJ$$Ifa$gd琝K$$Ifgd琝K$kd$IfK$L$杔4諪 n`` t06    44 layt 56UY[]_acd}Ff1 Ff $$Ifa$gd K$$$Ifa$gd K$$Ifgd K$Ff[\]^_`abcf|}EHIo蠑蠑蠑蠑泐泐闔瀘鋏鋏鋏鉭祟泐闔瀘鋏鋏鋏鉭裸匪閥煑彈hZHCJaJnHtHh hZH5h轞hZH5h轞h鬫P5h緊h鬫PCJaJnHo(tHh h鬫PCJaJh轞h鬫PCJh鬫PCJaJnHo(tH jh鬫PCJaJh轞h鬫PCJaJh鬫P jh谻Ah鬫PCJaJ3$$Ifa$gd琝K$$Ifgd琝K$FfU $$Ifa$gd K$Enk^QQ^ $Ifgd $Ifgd琝kdY$IfK$L$杔諪 n t06    44 layt .Ybrccccccc剛$G$If]剛gd緊 $Ifgd緊kd$$If杔擨0$ %$ z t0%644 lalyt緊 o`bd  0DFHZ翳糍焉矞搱搱tgXgQJE:h鬫P6乶Ho(tH h鬫P6 hkh鬫P h+'h鬫Ph鬫POJPJQJnHo(tHh+'h鬫POJPJQJh4h鬫PPJ^Jh4h鬫PPJh鬫PPJnHo(tHh+'h鬫PPJ*h鬫PPJ^JfHnHo(q tH-h噟 h鬫PPJ^JfHnHq tHh轞h鬫P5h轞hZH5h轞h CJaJnHtHhZHCJaJnHtHh CJaJnHtHbd<  riCCCi% & F 勊剼d$-D@&IfM VD*WD^勊`剼齡d $Ifgd噟 $Ifgd琝kd$$If杔敊0$ %$ z t0%644 lalyt緊 0H- +!Z"% & F 勊剼d$-D@&IfM VD*WD^勊`剼齡d噟 % & F 勊剼d$-D@&IfM VD*WD^勊`剼齡d $Ifgd噟 #$%&-.DEF黠豚鎰妥階鐙詫淄捉鐙э淄階★霒飴絻wh]h鬫P6丳Jjh鬫PPJU\h4h鬫PPJ\h4h鬫PPJjh鬫PU h鬫PPJjh鬫PUjh鬫PUhFh鬫POJ QJ nHo(tHjh鬫PPJUh]h鬫PPJjh鬫PUh鬫Pjh鬫PUhkh鬫Po(% CDE&'(12;<蜩嘬燕染溉膏墉噯潛染笁雀雀o嘬d噯靖嘬jh鬫PUhFh鬫POJ QJ nHo(tHh噟 h鬫PPJo(h]h鬫P6丳Jh4h鬫PPJ\hPEh緊OJ QJ nHo(tHjh鬫PU h鬫PPJjh鬫PPJUh4h鬫PPJjh鬫PUh鬫Pjh鬫PUhkh鬫PPJo(hFh鬫P6乶Ho(tH& + , 3 5 8 9 = > ? !!!!!*!+!,!!!!綮閿煞悱忋ссъ媭煦觵閥閿煞悱沆媙jh鬫PU h鬫PPJ\jh鬫PUh鬫PhFh鬫P6乶Ho(tHh]h鬫P6丳J h鬫PPJjh鬫PPJU"hFh鬫POJ QJ \乶Ho(tHh4h鬫PPJ\hFh鬫POJ QJ nHo(tHh4h鬫PPJjh鬫PUjh鬫PU'!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 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Note 4: Assessment Method This section should include the assessment method(s) to be used and its relative weighting, and indicate which of the subject intended learning outcomes that each method purports to assess. It should also provide a brief explanation of the appropriateness of the assessment methods in assessing the intended learning outcomes.  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