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Strategies of Interpersonal Communication 3. Persuasive Communication 4. Intercultural CommunicationSubject Synopsis/ Indicative Syllabus (Note 2) Non-Verbal Communication Communication and Formation of Group & Team Communication and Speech Training Persuasive Communication Communication and Multiculturalism Group Communications Communication and Multiculturalism Intercultural CommunicationTeaching/Learning Methodology (Note 3)Lecture Speech Group training Oral practice Presentation Video AnalysisAssessment Methods in Alignment with Intended Learning Outcomes (Note 4) Specific assessment methods/tasks % weighting Intended subject learning outcomes to be assessed (Please tick as appropriate)a b c d e 1. Personal participation 30% V 2. Team work 30% V 3. Performance 20%V4. Report 20%VTotal 100 % Explanation of the appropriateness of the assessment methods in assessing the intended learning outcomes:Student Study Effort Expected Class contact:Content Study 2 Hrs.Hrs.Other student study effort:Oral practice2Hrs.Hrs.Total student study effort 5 Hrs./ dayReading List and ReferencesKnapp, M. L. & Hall J. A. (2014). Nonverbal Communication in Human Interaction (7th Edition). MA: Wadsworth Cengage Learning. Gass, R. & Seiter, John. (2014). Persuasion, Social Influence and Compliance Gaining. Boston: Allyn Bacon. 鎦 t t0NgiO飽0!;濕o (2010)0 0鉙瀶砅璬 0 0飪篘癳^砅璬'Y鹼釹鴉 0 餝SZ誑黤0'Yx鎒'Yx[0 錘Ye褃鴉簆;N鴰 鍿Y-dMg R謯噀xe莧0 Note 1: Intended Learning Outcomes Intended learning outcomes should state what students should be able to do or attain upon completion of the subject. Subject outcomes are expected to contribute to the attainment of the overall programme outcomes. Note 2: Subject Synopsis/ Indicative Syllabus The syllabus should adequately address the intended learning outcomes. At the same time over-crowding of the syllabus should be avoided. Note 3: Teaching/Learning Methodology This section should include a  /02磔丫珯噟p`XMXB5-Mh2FCJaJh2FCJaJnHo(tHh2Fh2FCJaJh轞h CJaJh轞h 5h轞h CJaJnHo(tHh轞h 6乶HtHh轞h nHtH"h蕅Ch 5>*CJaJnHtH"hA\Wh 5>*CJaJnHtH%hA\Wh 5>*CJaJnHo(tH% *hh蕅C5>*CJaJnHtHhA\Wh蕅C5丆JaJhc.0hj5丆JPJaJo($jhA\Wh蕅CUmHnHtHu12[kd$$If杔0$ %$ z t0%644 lalg(矗fyt $Ifgd琝gd $ 0*$a$gd t}kd$$If杔0$ %$ z t0%644 lalyt $Ifgd琝   % l u } 7 < ? 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Note 4: Assessment Method This section should include the assessment method(s) to be used and its relative weighting, and indicate which of the subject intended learning outcomes that each method purports to assess. It should also provide a brief explanation of the appropriateness of the assessment methods in assessing the intended learning outcomes.  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