邢唷> \^[欹%` ,bjbjN郚 .<,,F8Td$3BV窣篅篅篅篅篅篅$塁h馝轅666轅驚Nzzz6窣z6窣zzR=? `70惿X>窣AA3B>>縁"縁<?縁?Nz 轅轅"X3B6666  Postgraduate Scholarships for Chinese Students 2009/2010The University of Limerick is pleased to confirm that it will offer doctoral fee scholarships to 5 Chinese students who are in receipt of a Chinese Scholarship Council Postgraduate Scholarship (commencing in 2009/2010).The University will also offer fee scholarships to three visiting doctoral students, who are in receipt of a scholarship from the Chinese Scholarship Council, for the academic year 2009/2010.Details on the application process to the Chinese Scholarship Council are available at:  HYPERLINK "http://www.csc.edu.cn" www.csc.edu.cn Doctoral Scholarships The University of Limerick will waive fees for the 5 scholarship students for the duration of their scholarship programme. Students will also have the opportunity to attend an English language course at UL prior to commencing their PhD (This course will be funded by UL).Entry Requirements Applicants must be citizens of the People抯 Republic of China and currently enrolled as a student at Tongji University. Applicants must hold at minimum a bachelor抯 degree certificate with an overall result of 80 100% or provide evidence (transcripts) that they will graduate at the end of the academic year 2008/2009 with a bachelor抯 degree certificate with an overall result of 80 -100%. Applicants must show evidence of English Language proficiency (All international PhD applicants are advised to meet the minimum English language requirements). Further details on English language requirements are available on  HYPERLINK "http://www.graduateschool.ul.ie" www.graduateschool.ul.ie Entry to any research programme is subject to receipt of a Chinese Scholarship Council Postgraduate Scholarship. Application Process Applicants should familiarise themselves with key research areas at UL. Information on graduate research is available at:  HYPERLINK "http://www.graduateschool.ul.ie" www.graduateschool.ul.ie. The website includes a link to  HYPERLINK "http://www.expertiseireland.com" www.expertiseireland.com which allows applicants to search through profiles of UL faculty using a keyword search. Individual Faculty and Departmental webpages on the UL website also have information on current areas of research and research projects. The attached document provides a summary of key research activities at the University and a list of research institutes and centres. Once applicants have identified a potential research area they should email the list of documents below to  HYPERLINK "mailto:ellen.oconnor@ul.ie" ellen.oconnor@ul.ie A brief outline of the area of research. A short Curriculum Vitae highlighting research experience, if any, to date. A certified English translation of their transcript. Evidence of English language proficiency. A letter of recommendation from an academic at their home institution. 3. Applications will be then forwarded to the correct department at UL for review. Application Deadline It will take approximately two weeks to process an application therefore students should aim to submit their application by March 10th 2009.Visiting Doctoral Students The University will host up to 3 visiting doctoral students for a period of one year. Entry Requirements Applicants must be citizens of the People抯 Republic of China and currently enrolled as a full-time PhD student at Tongji University. Applicants must not be in either the first or final year of their PhD programme during their scholarship year in Ireland. Applicants must show evidence of English Language proficiency (Applicants are advised to meet the minimum English language requirements as indicated on  HYPERLINK "http://www.graduateschool.ul.ie" www.graduateschool.ul.ie). Entry as a visiting doctoral student is subject to receipt of a Chinese Scholarship Council Postgraduate Scholarship.Application Process The following are the proposed host research institutes/centres for visiting doctoral students: Materials and Surface Science Institute Lero Irish Software Engineering Research Centre Stokes Research Institute Kemmy Business School Centre for Information and Knowledge Management National Centre for Tourism Policy Studies Centre for Entrepreneurial Studies Human Resource Management Euro-Asia Research Centre Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Centre for Criminal Justice The International Commercial and Economic Group, School of Law Faculty of Science and Engineering Composites Research Centre Automation Research Centre Enterprise Research Centre Applicants may contact the research institutes or centres directly with an initial application. Contact details are included in the attached document. Applicants should indicate that they have been selected by their own institution to apply to the Chinese Scholarship Council. A complete application should then be sent to the Graduate School, UL (email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:ellen.oconnor@ul.ie" ellen.oconnor@ul.ie). The application should include: A short Curriculum Vitae highlighting research experience A letter of recommendation from an academic in home institution Evidence of English language proficiency Application Deadline It will take approximately two weeks to process an application therefore students should aim to submit their application by March 10th 2009.Graduate School, University of Limerick February 2009/89:Hcs~   + P 0 蜮鎮坪柡⒑飄脾姠浩~畺簥簅誧hCJOJQJaJhXh]CJOJQJaJh颋CJOJQJaJh鼳iCJOJQJaJh oCJOJQJaJh&dCJOJQJaJhHCJOJQJaJh]CJOJQJaJhXh oCJOJQJaJh o5丆JOJQJaJh篍h篍5丆JOJQJaJh]5丆JOJQJaJ9:  g h  , Y)jx & Fgdc* & Fgdh |gd8g=刪^刪gd5 & F 刪^刪gdkUgdXgd o+0 1 T U V d e f g h p } ~   V 渫氫妠n\J\J>2>2hSCJOJQJaJhPyCJOJQJaJ"h鼳ihS5>*CJOJQJaJ"h鼳ih淥5>*CJOJQJaJhPy5丆JOJQJaJhPyhCJOJQJaJh0JB*OJQJ^Jph$hh0JCJOJQJ^JaJ>jhh6丅*CJOJQJU]乛JaJph-hh0JB*CJOJQJ^JaJph6jhh0JB*CJOJQJU^JaJphV ` j l    & + 0 1 : < o ~ + 翳荇芡萊垟y鬸ZJ>yj>h颋CJOJQJaJh h颋5丆JOJQJaJh h俠5丆JOJQJaJh俠h俠CJOJQJaJh俠h`%CJOJQJaJh CJOJQJaJhkUh oCJOJQJaJhXhX5丆JOJQJaJh8g=5丆JOJQJaJhX5丆JOJQJaJhXh淥CJOJQJaJh俠CJOJQJaJhSCJOJQJaJh鼳iCJOJQJaJ+ , J <=>VWXY()8@W皴偕儷散少鍠姈}maU買=hSCJOJQJaJhc*CJOJQJaJh8g=CJOJQJaJhXCJOJQJaJh8g=h8g=5丆JOJQJaJh8g=5丆JOJQJaJh鼳iCJOJQJaJh5CJOJQJaJ hyh/S0JCJOJQJaJ+jhyh/SCJOJQJUaJjh/SCJOJQJUaJh/SCJOJQJaJh`%CJOJQJaJh俠h8g=CJOJQJaJWZ[\ hj 翳罔侖必ヨ晧s昩晧鑆鑆鐵Vjhc*CJOJQJUaJhc*CJOJQJaJ h7Xh1g0JCJOJQJaJ+jh7Xh1gCJOJQJUaJh1gCJOJQJaJjh1gCJOJQJUaJh/SCJOJQJaJ hyh8g=0JCJOJQJaJ+jhyh8g=CJOJQJUaJjh8g=CJOJQJUaJh8g=CJOJQJaJhSCJOJQJaJ  !"$%NOACFG橘榮及ぜ凹凹凹槍激紝ぜ激scVhS5丆JOJQJaJhShS5丆JOJQJaJh 5丆JOJQJaJh篍CJOJQJaJh鼳iCJOJQJaJhh |CJOJQJaJhSCJOJQJaJh8g=CJOJQJaJhc*CJOJQJaJ hyhc*0JCJOJQJaJjhc*CJOJQJUaJ+jhyhc*CJOJQJUaJx%NB<=>?ZL & F gd篍gd篍gd鼳igdc* 刪剺刪`剺dS & Fgd8g= & Fgd8g=35;<=>?HZ鐝魚靜卻gRF:-hS5丆JOJQJaJh&dCJOJQJaJh oCJOJQJaJ)Hh褾hXh oCJOJQJaJhSCJOJQJaJ"h鼳ihS5>*CJOJQJaJ"h鼳ih淥5>*CJOJQJaJhXhkUCJOJQJaJhkUCJOJQJaJh淥CJOJQJaJ)Hh褾hShXCJOJQJaJh鼳ih鼳iCJH*OJQJaJh鼳iCJOJQJaJhShc*5丆JOJQJaJ9KL^_ !5蜮憂脯湰啘u湰i琞Q]E5h8g=hPy5丆JOJQJaJh淥CJOJQJaJh鼳iCJOJQJaJh5CJOJQJaJhSCJOJQJaJ hyh篍0JCJOJQJaJ+jhyh篍CJOJQJUaJjh篍CJOJQJUaJh篍CJOJQJaJhkUhkUCJOJQJaJh CJOJQJaJhkUh篍CJOJQJaJhXh篍5丆JOJQJaJh篍5丆JOJQJaJ !5 !Q|^ & F gdPy & FgdMH & FgdMH & FgdPy & F gdMHgdPy & F gd篍5  !Q 4V78`abuvy@ABCVW翳糗糗糗柢柢柢糗熊需心熊竄灤嵈苄荇荇恤荇軁p}h鼳i5丆JOJQJaJhSh鼳i5丆JOJQJaJ hyhMH0JCJOJQJaJ+jhyhMHCJOJQJUaJjhMHCJOJQJUaJh驫 CJOJQJaJhSCJOJQJaJhMHCJOJQJaJh'CJOJQJaJhPyCJOJQJaJ,@ABW)*+,gdSgd鼳i & F gdMHW)*+,翡糲壤祭祭祭輯┘h h`3!h CJOJQJaJhv"ljhv"lU hXh礧)Hh褾hSh鼳iCJOJQJaJh鼳ih鼳iCJH*OJQJaJh鼳iCJOJQJaJ,1恏皞. 捌A!"#悹$悹%澳澳 惸D猩陏寕K www.csc.edu.cn嗌陏寕K Fhttp://www.csc.edu.cn/yX侓;H,俔膮'cカD猩陏寕K www.graduateschool.ul.ie嗌陏寕K Zhttp://www.graduateschool.ul.ie/yX侓;H,俔膮'cカD猩陏寕K www.graduateschool.ul.ie嗌陏寕K Zhttp://www.graduateschool.ul.ie/yX侓;H,俔膮'cカD猩陏寕K www.expertiseireland.com嗌陏寕K Zhttp://www.expertiseireland.com/yX侓;H,俔膮'cカD猩陏寕K ellen.oconnor@ul.ie嗌陏寕K Nmailto:ellen.oconnor@ul.ieyX侓;H,俔膮'cカD猩陏寕K www.graduateschool.ul.ie嗌陏寕K Zhttp://www.graduateschool.ul.ie/yX侓;H,俔膮'cカD猩陏寕K ellen.oconnor@ul.ie嗌陏寕K Nmailto:ellen.oconnor@ul.ieyX侓;H,俔膮'cカ@@@ NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH DA@D Default Paragraph FontRiR  Table Normal4 l4a (k(No List4U@4 X Hyperlink >*phb﨩b\X emailstyle171567>*CJOJQJS*Y(\]aJo(ph4@4 `3!Header  9r 4 @"4 `3!Footer  9r 0a@10  HTML Cite6乚,<9:gh,Y)jx % N B < = > ? 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