Graz University of Technology and Tongji University
Call for Applications 2019
In frame of the strategic partnership of Graz University of Technology and Tongji University, both institutions have jointly set up a Collaboration Seed Fund to promote mobility of especially younger scholars to initiate innovative projects in teaching and research. Costs for travel and accommodation, including costs for visa and travel insurance will be funded.
The funding program addresses academic staff (involved both in teaching and/or research) to carry out joint workshops, teaching (block seminars, guest lectures, doctoral seminars etc.) and short research stays.
Criteria for Eligibility
1.Quality of cooperation
Since this funding program is designed to improve the quality of teaching and research, the following aspects are important:
a) The topic is innovative. Interdisciplinary topics are preferred.
b) There are mutually interested and qualified partners.
2.The prospective application shall serve at least one of the following objectives:
a) Initiation of a new activity
b) Dissemination of cooperation (e.g. the inclusion of other institutes and/or faculties)
c) Deepening of cooperation
d) Consolidation of cooperation
e) Continuation of successful cooperation
3.The prospective application shall include
a) One contact person at each side.
b) Concrete and realistic goals.
Application Procedure
Application deadline for 2019 is 31 October 2019 for travel from 1 January 2020 to 31 December 2020.
The application must be submitted before the first activity.
Please use the provided application form Application Form_Seed Research Fund_TU_Graz-Tongji_2019.docand indicate the requested information. An application may only be submitted to one of the two universities. Double funding is not possible.
Please submit the application form via email either
-to Ms. XU Wenqing as coordinator of Tongji, Project Mananger for German-speaking countries of Tongji,, phone: 65981268. If you have any questions, please contact her.
-toBarbara Boettger as coordinator of TU Graz, International Office – Welcome Center, If you have any questions, please contact her.
All applications will be examined jointly by the steering committee, which consisting of representatives of both universities.
Funding Conditions
Funding is subject to the satisfaction of the above criteria, a positive review by the Steering Committee and sufficient funds. In addition, after completion of a supported project, a report of about 300 words, which outlines the most important results and the planned next steps, needs to be handed in.
Procedure of Payment
The expenses of travel, accommodations etc. are paid by the respective home university.
Tongji University
The reimbursement of expenses of travel and stays is based on vouchers according to the certain expenses. Moreover, there are upper limits for certain expenses. For detailed information, please see: 關於修正《OETY欧亿因公臨時出國經費管理辦法》的通知.pdf
TU Graz
Costs will be reimbursed according to the granted funding amount after having received the original bills, tickets etc. For details please check: [link to be completed]
Additional funds are available for third party funded cooperative research projects with Tongji University and Graz University of Technology:
If you are planning a joint third-party funded project, you may apply for initial funding (12th call for proposals expected to start in September 2019). Up to two grants will be awarded.
For TU Graz: The funding conditions are the same as for initial funding. Only the costs of Graz University of Technology are eligible. The application must include additional information on the cooperation with Tongji University.
For Tongji University: Cost of Tongji University will be covered according to Tongji’s internal regulations. For further information please contact Ms. Wenqing XU:, phone: 65981268