


來源🙅🏿‍♂️: 日期🍲:2016-04-01作者: 瀏覽量⚉🚕:

Spring 2016 Public Program

University of Hong Kong, Shanghai Study Centre

Public Forum for the Joint Workshop Small Architecture, Micro-Community
Topic: Practice More Affordable Sustainability in Different Context
Date: Monday, April 4, 2016   9:45AM – 12:00 PM
Venue: 1F Lecture Hall, Shanghai Study Center, HKU

Department of Architecture, The University of Hong Kong
Professor Yan Gao
Professor Anderson Lee

The University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland
Professor Emanuele Saurwein
Professor Remo Leuzinger

School of Architecture, Zhejiang University
Professor Yong He

Professor Yunsheng Su
Partner of Etopia, Sino-Finish Center, Tongji University

Man Ye
Chairman of Tongji Green Building Council

Small Building, Micro-community
2016 workshop of Swiss SUPSI, Hong Kong University and Zhejiang University

Time: March 27, 2016 – April 1, 2016
Location: Dept. of Architecture, Zhejiang University
Topic: The Regeneration of the Gongchen Bridge Area of the Jinghang Grand Canal Through Small Intervention

Urban renovation is an urgent task nowadays and It’s necessary to reconstruct those parts in our cities that no longer fit with the modern society. Hangzhou is in the south end of the Grand Canal and has enjoyed great culture and economics ever since ancient times.

Gongchenqiao Area is located in Hangzhou, Gongshu district, west bank of the Grand Canal. It’s a typical combination of modern industry, civilian residence, and transportation culture, from Qing Dynasty to the early liberation of Hangzhou.

城市更新是當代中國社會和建築學界共同面對的任務,是一種將城市中已經不適應現代化城市社會生活的地段做出的必要的🦵🏼、有 計劃的改建活動。杭州地處京杭大運河最南端, 自古經濟繁榮、人文昌盛,在空間維度和歷史維度上有著研究的典型性。

拱宸橋地段(橋西歷史街區)位於杭州市拱墅區,京杭大運河西岸。目前,該地段是集中體現杭州清末至解放初期依托運河而形 成的近代工業文化、平民居住文化及倉儲運輸文化的代表性復合型歷史街區,是集居住、商業、創意產業和文化旅遊為一體的城市綜合區域。

The renovation of Gongchenqiao Area started in 2008 and ended in 2010. Based on investigation and research on its culture and history, the historic blocks are refreshed from three aspects as protection, exploration, and utilization, aiming to protect its diversity, authenticity and entirety. This area now represents historic culture and industrial heritage in Hangzhou. However, there still remain problems, such as traffic organization, format development, public living place, allocation of public facilities and so on, which need further enhancement.

拱宸橋歷史文化街區(即橋西歷史街區)的更新與改造始於 2008 年,該項目在規劃設計之初,以保護橋西歷史街區的景觀建築風貌的多樣性和歷史文化的多元化為前提,以保護橋西歷史環境的原真性和整體性為基礎,在對橋西歷史人文的調查和現場的調查勘測的基礎上,從保護、發掘、利用三個方面出發對橋西歷史街區進行保護、更新與改造🍹。該項目於 2010 年基本完工,目前,該地段已是杭州極具代表性的歷史文化和工業遺存活化的街區,但是依然 也存在不少問題, 諸如交通的組織、業態的發展🤰、市民生活場所的營造🛥、公共設施的配置與使用等諸多方面都依然需要進一步的完善與提升👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨。

Purposes to gain in this workshop from following aspects:

1) Theoretical Level: Organize the history and status of Gongchenqiao Area systematically. Understand the status, characteristics and problems of city renovation in current contexts.

2) Strategy Level: Explore how to create dynamic “micro communities” by implanting small public service facilities from the perspective of people’s daily life. Discuss the possibility and strategy for further activation, transformation and development.

3) Construction Level: Improve cognition on materials and construction. Understand methods and technology by design and construction of small facilities.



(2)發展策略層面:京杭大運河拱宸橋地段已經具有獨特的文化底蘊𓀔、城市脈絡和場地條件,本工作坊教學期待學生從市民日常 生活的視角,探討如何通過系列小型公共服務設施的介入,營造出具有活力的“微型社區”,以此探討其未來在城市功能方面進一步激活、轉型和發展的可能與策略。

(3)建造層面:通過適當闡明材料選擇、形式邏輯、操作過程, 提高學生對材料和構造的直觀認識,理解小型設施設計與營建的手段與技術👷🏿‍♂️。

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