

2014-2015 “絲綢之路”上海地區法國巴黎高科交流項目報名開始

來源: 日期:2013-12-12作者: 瀏覽量⏲:








1. 有社團工作經驗或企業實習經驗者優先。

2. 工作態度認真負責者優先🕠。

3. 績點優秀的同學優先。

4. 已對絲綢之路項目有所了解或者參與過相關活動的同學優先。

5. 錄取者自動成為上海“絲綢之路”學生國際交流協會社團成員🗄,須保證返校後參與組織協會的各類活動🤙。


[1] 在上海尋找招募合適的住家🧑‍🦼‍➡️🔆,提供給法國學生在上海期間的Home Stay🧵;

[2] 聯系企業🤸🏻‍♂️、學校等相關機構,予以上海活動期間的贊助支持(例如:聯系籌辦講座課程、企業參觀宣講、參觀實驗室等);

[3] 推廣中法絲綢之路及推廣或組織開展與法國文化、教育、語言等相關活動。

費用:協會提供在法期間免費Home Stay。







'Silk Roads' is an association registered under French law which aims at organizing in both countries a two-week exchange every year between twenty Chinese students and the same number of French students. It is organized by students for students. The exchange is held alternatively in France and in China every year. The first exchange took place on February 2005 in France, while the return exchange happened in October 2005 in China. The Chinese students involved in this program have been selected among students from the best Chinese Universities, located in Beijing, Shanghai and Nanjing. These universities are partners of ParisTech, and the French students belong to engineering schools from this network, including the Ecole Polytechnique, the Ecole des Mines de Paris, the Ecole des Ponts et Chaussées and Télécom Paris, and since this year, the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts et Métiers.

The goal of the exchanges between France and China is to enable students to discover both industrial worlds and running of future partnerships. The main aim of “Silk Roads” is the realization of a market research or technical report in partnership with each of the sponsoring companies. This report is realized by a bicultural team, regrouping 3 students of each nationality, supervised by a tutor in the sponsoring company and another one found in the universities taking part in Silk Roads. The purpose of these studies is to bring some external support and expertise to companies on important issues regarding their Sino French opportunities, while enabling these sponsoring companies to test “in real life” the students working on the study in a recruiting perspective. The results of the research will lead to a presentation within the companies. A final report will be written presenting the conclusions of the study. Besides these studies, visits of sponsoring companies willing to present their activities will be held for all participants. Three workshops about Sino French industrial themes will be organized within the universities taking part in the program to present some achievements in this field. These workshops will gather lecturers from universities as well as from the corporate world. Finally some cultural events such as visits to museums will be organized in order to get to know each other’s culture and improve the communication and the working atmosphere amongst the participants.

        有意參加的同學請填寫完整報名表,並於2013年12月15日晚上24點前發郵件至silkroads2013@163.com。郵件標題應為“(Name)_(University)_(Grade)_(Major)”。請隨郵件附中英文個人簡歷🙅🏿,並將文件名改為“(Name)_ Application_Form_Silkroads”和“(Name)_Resume”。經初步篩選後將進一步通知面試。



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