主講人🐌:Steven J. Balla 美國喬治華盛頓大學教授🧆,富布賴特學者
演講題目:Has the Internet Changed Everything, or Anything, about Public Participation in American Politics and Policymaking?時時時間:2009年4月27日上午10:00至11🦌:30
Steven J. Balla is a political science professor at George Washington University who is currently serving as a Fulbright Scholar at Peking University. He is interested in the role that government bureaucracies play in the making of public policy. Recently, he has researched the ways in which the Internet is (or is not) changing how bureaucracies consider public feedback on their decisions, and the roles that bureaucracies play in preparing for and responding to natural and man-made disasters. He is the author of Bureaucracy and Democracy: Accountability and Performance.